Therese entered USP sia. I also want...
But I didn't apply. Haha. Probably gonna do it next year.
But maybe by then I would have decided not to lah. Lol.
Anyway, just envious. Can do so many thing seh.
Think about it, scholarship's now my top priority. Really need it quite badly.
Can't it just drop from the sky?!?! Urgh. Knn. Damn troublesome.
Should have gotten a super smart brain, maybe that of my brother's will be enough.
Then perhaps scholarships will come knocking on my door, and not me finding it. Zzz.
Sian sia. Even Yicheng is going for driving lessons.
Seems like I'm one of the slowest.
I really wanna drive my own car.
That'll then really satisfy the freedom-thirsty me.
But then again. I need someone to SPONSOR me a car!
No scholarship will do that. Lol.
Not complaining that my parents are poor though, just have to work harder for it.
Why do I still have to study when I'm in army? Zzz
Needa do research on stupid aspirin and morphine somemore.
What happened to 'shave head cannot think'?
Why am I still required to use the kept-away brain of mine?!?!
Ha. But then Medic course is too relax for me to complain.
This is nothing compared to what the weapon-men goes through;
Saturday book-out, poor thing... Haha.
Somemore we get all the afternoon nap, nights out, no knock-it-down, no crazy PT.
How good will it be if we get the same salary for the same 'shit' for the rest of our army life. Ahhh...
And aiyo, wanna plan one outing also needa avoid a WWIII, what has this world (or rather, our 'world') come to become?! The same friends whom we eat sleep and bridge together in the past now cease to be able to co-exist. Zzz. Sad life.
Just being grumpy.
Anyway. I'm at Macus' house again. Gonna wake early for Julian's birthday celebration tommorow, so might as well come here so that I can get a free ride. Not bad an idea huh. Haha. But then guess my wallet will have one more hole tomorrow. LOL.
I'm really starting to feel tired from guard duty and all the nonsense. Zzz. Good night!