Weekends have been rather eventful for the past few weeks (if you consider the routine dinner with friends and occasional mahjong session as 'events', that is)
But life seems to be rather stagnant. I'm not moving forward.
Not that I'm escaping from reality. Not that there's a hugh obstacle in front of me, blocking my path. But I just don't seem to be able to move on.
I'm not enjoying it.
But anyway. today was rather tiring.
Went back to VJ for training followed by lunch with the girls team.
Going back to VJ always give me a sense of home.
But this home is now so decorated, so different.
Ha. Then was movie with some of the guys. Ip Man's much better than Iron Man I'll say. Then was dinner and chill out at our usual location.
Not exactly happening, but good enough to keep me occupied and satisfied. At least I didn't 'waste' this weekend (not like I did for the others. LOL).
LOL. I realise this is damn random.
Ok, going off to meet Rex! Ciao.