Friday, May 31, 2013

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Straw hat

Time to put my Vietnam trip aside and stop thinking bout results day.

Packed up and all set for arts Pre-camp, JCRC retreat, and JZG trip with family!

Till then, get ready my birthday present! ;)


No one thought I made a right choice in rejecting the exchange program.

Has the world become so selfish that everyone's main priority is to grab every opportunity that comes by, even at the expense of responsibilities you have committed? Yes, I have rejected it on the sole consideration that I have committed to two responsibilities I have been charged with.

And nope; if this is the definition of stupidity then let me be an immature fool, for once...

If there is one thing you don't mess me up with

it's my naive girlfriend.

I don't fking care how desperate he is in joining this fking tournament.
Drag my gullible gf in and put her in danger, I'll fking bring my brothers in to wallop the hell out of him.

I don't give empty death threats

but still, I apologize for the inconvenience. And you didn't fking reply.


It doesn't matter that you always overthrow the ball back to the first-base, it doesn't matter you sometimes being late, and it doesn't even matter you as a captain has a poorer attendance than me for the holiday. It didn't matter cos these may not be the principles you hold dear.

But now you infringed mine. I don't fking care if you are a prodigy child; I don't fking care if you are so outstanding you got the SOH. Your irresponsibility irks me.

And that's that. You've officially lost my respect for you.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

"I hope she'll be a fool

That's the best thing a girl can be in this world...

A beautiful fool"


And I've already found myself one



Monday, May 27, 2013

Simply too awesome

Instagram this shit, blogger-style


I hate hashtags but

#reasonstotravel #expecttheunexpected

Childhood dreams

I don't have any; I just live my life one step at a time, but perhaps a bigger step than normal people would.

Some of the nursery rhymes I don't recall, or might even be the case that I've never encountered them. Some of the fairy tales I don't remember the ending, or perhaps even the climax. Songs you sing in your youth, I've never heard of; cartoons growing up with you, I've probably only heard of the names at best...


While people are still believing in their happily-ever-after, I've began thinking how and when I'll die; wondering if there is another exact same me existing in the same universe; pondering if I was the protagonist in a sadistic reality game and everyone else around the supporting actors.

Perfect childhood, I don't have; but I dare say it was an awesome one...

Must have been the toughest decision to make

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Cos meeting up in Singapore is too mainstream

Take care and enjoy the rest of your trips, bro!

Not everything in life will go your way

Some things we should let go; some requires some fighting for; others are worth dying for...

Friday, May 24, 2013

Survival of the fittest

Not the nicest.

Perhaps your perspective of the world is a fairy tale one, but not everything and everyone is as transparent and innocent as your naive mind wants to think. Imaging a perfect world is one thing; living in it is another. Being nice doesn't always win you trust and friends, it just gets you bullied; and you'll just keep finishing last. Humans are made to be self-centered; that's our nature: every man for himself. From Charles Darwin to Thomas Hobbes; from biology to the working of the world, we all know this... This is a dog-eat-dog world. Imperfect, but real.


And I really always wondered which came first: you having the need to be protected or you being weak... And I realize it's kind of a chicken and egg situation. Perhaps it wasn't that good an idea for you parents to give you so much when you are young. You have everything: family, friends, education and whatnot. You try your best to not take things for granted; but your emotional self betrayed you. One small setback and you'll tear, and your world will end. That is really not the healthiest way to live in this imperfect world!


I love my freedom and I always believe in allowing my partner to be independent. This time round, I'm forced to be an overly-attached boyfriend. Perhaps someday you'll learn and grow; for now, I'll be there for you...

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Suck that!

I may just publish a book someday while you start learning how to write!

When the piaos get published!

Under the 38 degree sun everyday, it makes the last ghost a false depiction of the situation here...

Going back soon

To fight for this.

Year after year

Now that might just be false...

Vroom vroom motherfcker!

Something that makes no sense but worth every bit of the risk.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Of Zoo, Ambush, Rosti, Milkshake, Lego, Mummies, DTF, and Tulip

Days as a tourist and now off to the land of nice coffee.

Till then, ciao!

Saturday, May 11, 2013


Few weeks ago my boss told me, during my exam week, that my CAP isn't all that matter. As a scholar having signed on the line, I know that's not the case, not at least for me.

Now people are saying the signal these messages sent are mixed compared to the elitist view that our forefathers had in inter-marriage between graduates. How disrespectful these group of people are to the word (and fact) "change". If there is one thing that is constant, we all know what it is. Why get so hung up over policy RESPONSE of the government? In fact, what drove these responses? That's right, the citizens' call for change. "Ubah", and now you're complaining "why the change?"



The debate about poly and uni grad having the same pay to "discourage" poly grads of the need to further study makes little economics sense anyway. Even without the difference in skills level, the 3-4 years worth of university education presents an opportunity cost that must be compensated with a higher wage in future; who in the world would want to spent extra money, effort, time and youth on more education if there is no incentive to it, everyone will just hold a diploma and watch the country go onto a downward spiral.

I bet they didn't even know that males who have served 2 years of their time are getting higher pay than their female counterparts in public and certain private sectors.

Then again, such "wage bargaining" will happen (albeit leading to an economic inefficiency) when the proportion of people "outside" the graduate group gets larger than the "insider"

The question that will remain then, is whether such economic inefficiency is more worthy than an "equitable" society.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

"I am not here to play somebody else's game

I have a few million people's life to account for.

Singapore will survive."

-- LKY

What type? Bro-type

Brozone, a place all good friends aim to reach.

And you, boy, is one I am surprised to have reached this zone of mine. Congrats!


In the midst of all the Facebook post about LYLC for the graduating seniors; Chelsea winning a chance for Champions league and David Luiz showing the cheeky side of soccer; and the dark magic deployed by the BN, here's what made my day:

Walking into an exhibition of Iron Man figurines at Bugis, my cute girlfriend commented: "this is like the barbie doll place for guys!"

HAHAHAH! Awesome analogy

Politics is dark

Today, every one suddenly seems to understand so much about democracy, free press, freedom of speech and the politics of Malaysia. Or for the matter, politics.


I've long understood how dark it is.

My political science teacher only wants me to write what she wants to be convinced. Guess what, I am not a politician. *Tada* surprise surprise! Bet you didn't know that my job is NOT to convince you of what you do not believe...

Saturday, May 4, 2013

And yes, start of summer!!!

I'm still waiting for my green tea tiramisu to happen~~~


I can still vividly remember the anxiety I had in anticipation of this jam-packed summer. Now, it's finally here...


We always talk about the recurring post-exam sudden-aimlessness we feel after every finals. Think about it, how many times in the future can this "freedom" come? Not much I guess; not with the endless work and commitments rolling in one after another. But like how lost we are after exams, it's not gonna be something I'll look forward to. I won't "cherish" this freedom simply because I hate being a lost sheep.

Now pardon me while I enslave myself with happenings

I like how good friends can remain good friends

Even after unhappy incidents

Friday, May 3, 2013


Dad's scheduled surgery was yesterday and I'm just here studying.

The selfish part of me triumphed

Letter from the queen

Let's not talk about the handwriting;
Why did you have to put quotation marks in the word "liability"?
And really? Another 3 more years of your presence?


3 only?
And I thought patience is the last thing I have, but you somehow manage to find some from me in our interactions; not bad.

You probably won't see this, but I'm glad I was of help when you needed them most, and I guess good karma is more on my part than yours to have made a friend like you. I can still remember the hype everyone was having about you when we first came into hall; not discounting the fact that I only know you after you were crowned the queen. Yeah, it's all superficial; compared to the friendship we have now, all these didn't really matter. And I just want you to know that the gratitude isn't one way: thank you too!

I never knew passion can be contagious, but I'm glad it did, and I sincerely hope that someday the passion you gain from me will be reflected in the material piece of certificate; but really, they are immaterial. So much for always saying you'll tank the bell curve for me, I'm looking forward to the day you climb above me. In fact, in many ways, you already did. You even taught me a lesson: that my desires for excellence was worth while, not for my own sense of achievement, but for my ability to help. I'll keep my passion heated, and so must you keep yours.

Thank you, my friend!

Cheers to another lifelong friendship!


And on the same topic, to a brother I know won't visit this place: stay firm on your beliefs. From what I see, someday you will shine in this field. Stay strong, despite the set backs, for that is the greatest lesson I've gained in this one year...


And Ms Ang, don't be jealous. You're still the very best thing to ever happen to me :)

May the fourth be with you

Once again


Coincidence or not, this day also marks the end of my freshman year. 3 more to go, not much time is left.

And more special when the results for my one year of hard work is going to be validated exactly one month later. May the force be with me...