Sunday, May 16, 2010

The End

"It begins at the end;
But all endings are also beginnings,
We just don't know it at the time"


How good will it be, if someone knew when it'll end,
and records what you did just before it.
Even the trival ones will be memorable,
for they mark an end to something; anything.


"Every life has one true-love snapshot"
I had a similar one that I remembered.
Sunny, crowded, in the evening; and we were both shy.
But its not the same, mine was apparently not 'true'
It was merely a dream I refuse to wake up from, for 7 years and counting.


"No story sits by itself. Sometimes stories meet at corners,
and sometimes they cover one another completely,
like stones beneath a river"
Yours, you 'stone', is finally free from the river that is now dried.
No longer covered by mine.


"How do people choose their final words?
Do they realise their gravity?
Are they fated to be wise?"

What will I be saying?
I won't know, but definitely not what's happening now and in the past.
They're all too trival and distant to be remembered by then.
IT'll be something about my future;
future friends, future family.
So why be so bothered about things going on now
when it won't be the things deemed important when time is limited and precious and reaching an end?
Maybe, it's because I'm still concerned about other people's final word, where I still wanna be mentioned, be remembered, be deemed important.
Maybe, because I'm still living in the present. You never know, I may be saying my final words now.

The End.


The Five People You Meet in Heaven - Mitch Albom