I did my usual routine of going to a few blogs that I always go to.
Two days ago, while I was on blog 'A', I realize my presence was being tested and I stupidly fall for the trap!
Then just now, I went over to blog 'S', and realize that I was/am an idiot.
Dang. It's so dangerous to wander on the internet; especially on blogs. LOL.
Senseless. HAHA.
But at least there's something heartwarming.
Blog 'B' is my usual hideout, and so I went over to it out of habit.
Then I realize there's this link on it that's somewhat familiar.
It took me seconds to recall that it's a mutual classmate's PM on MSN.
I read on before clicking on the link to make sure it wasn't a scam.
I clicked. (I haven't done so initially when I first saw it on MSN because the classmate that put it simply wasn't trustworthy enough. Haha).
And indeed, it wasn't a scam.
But yet I forked out more money than I would have if it was a scam.
I gave $2.
If you're a Victorian and you're laughing at the money I've donated;
make sure you donate more.
'A little kindness goes a long way'
~ Ms. JGKL