The first week of the new year was... yup, fresh.
Kind of a new kind of life. kinda... tiring.
Just like how I ended of my 2009, 2010 was upside down.
daylight dark and moonlight bright.
Well, the first week marks many things.
Most importantly, jingwei has went into the army and that sorta acts as an alarm clock for the rest of us. Army's real soon.
Yup, so I guess that sort of justified my being, night beings.
Gotta enjoy before there's no time for it.
Many things go through my mind nowadays.
But I'm trying very hard to subdue them and just think simple.
I've been reading up books on psychology, both the mentalist and the physicist versions.
It's really interesting and yes, mind-blowing, only that the literal meaning's the opposite; it pieces up the puzzle of the Mind.
k. Craps.
Anyway. I've just started on PB, gonna watch mentalist, fringe and heroes before I land myself on the government job that I didn't volunteer for.
Now that I mentioned government, my interview's reply's not here yet; no news' good news, I hope.
Perhaps Andy's right; I should try to revert my bio-clock.
I won't say it's screwed, it's just that not many other people's operates like it does, so it kinda brings out some problems... social problems on my part.
Everyone's working, especially during the weekdays.
Why's my life so... different.
Yes, I gotta revert it.