Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Shop till you drop.


Spent a 'grand' total of $230 today on new year and army accessories.

Still not quite done actually. But I'll just make do with whatever I have.

Boring day tmr with work that will be repeated for the next 4 days.

And then, I'LL BE FREE!

(for four days).

Haha. That should be enough for me to enjoy lah hor. Lol.

Maybe Zac's right: having nothing to do will make you feel excited.

Think I should start to make plans for Thurs, which I suppose the Night Creatures will gladly oblige. XD

Trying to cramp all people I wanna meet into 4 days is just impossible; luckily I've got some off the list this week.

Wellz, perhaps NS is not that bad; at least it gives you a reason to look around and hold on to people that're drifting away in your life.


And let some go adrift, intentionally.