I realise blogging is like talking to myself, no one gets to see this anyway.
If anyone ever see this, perhaps it'll soon disappear. So, if you're secretly peeping into my private life, don't let me get you.
Anyway. I've so many things that's better left untold, and even more that's not even supposed to be known by any. Nothing much of a surprise here.
Suddenly have the urge to pen down my thoughts in Chinese; not surprising, again.
Not like I have to prove my Chinese (no one sees anyway), but just felt that it'll express my thoughts better.
But I think I'll refrain from it. Lest it gets lengthy and emotional.
We'll see. We'll wait.
Perhaps I should start imagining virtual friends that'll read my blog, so that I won't be seemed as though I'm talking to myself, but instead to these friends.
Will I soon go crazy?
I want to talk to nobody! Zzz
Totally random.