Nothing special except for this being the 30th post.
Though 15th's always a special day for me.
oh ya, Happy Birthday YCP! haha.
too lazy to sms you since you're in Msia, shall do it here though you'll not see.
It's the thought that counts mah.
Anyway. got a letter from MOE, wow! EAGLES award!
but guess what, they're giving off vouchers. -.-
Alright, better than nothing.
Ha. and I wasn't tempted to bet on soccer, shall seriously stop it.
Wonder why my sticks are finished so fast nowadays. Somehow. Hmmm...
And yes, I haven't been drinking excessively nowadays!
Good and positive start. =]=]
Anyway. went to work today, kinda free money. Thurs again! Dunno if I really want to go.
But consider the R. Yes, I willlllll. Zzz.
Oh! Interview was alright, the atmosphere was what I wanted.
but perhaps due to the lack of sleep, think my answering sucks, so, pray to god.
then again, they don't support what I wanna study, so.... Hmmm.
Nvm. one step at a time.
Optimistic man!
Tmr's gonna be a hard day, literally.
Going to gym and run! I wanna swim too..... but too bad.
Ha, kinda look forward to Thur's outing, maybe one of the last few with jw.
Before the nation calls on us. (him first actually)
RUN RUN RUN!!! =]=]