Tuesday, December 31, 2013


It really is just my selfishness for wanting to keep you with me on this special day that led to so many problems


We don't seem to have any problem; that's our secret, we have many problems... And it's always good to sort them out when time calls for it... 


On a side note, 2014 is gonna be really exciting; this I'm pretty sure 

Monday, December 30, 2013

You could still be, what you want to be,

Pick it up, pick it all up.
And start again.

Year in review

Everyone's going "I'm gonna be a new man in the new year starting tomorrow!" Or reminiscing "things I've done in the past year" 

Yes, 2013 has been great: running JCRC, going OCIP, doing OC, captaining for both IHG and IFG, even seeing my God bro getting married etc etc

But guess I'm starting to get old and finding this shit pretty cliche; dreading the new year even, for it just means I'm further away from my youth... But yeah, happy new year, people! 


We are always a new man on a new day


Actually I kinda contradicted myself while typing this as I look back in the year in review; it was really a pretty awesome year to speak the truth...

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Minor fate

So I picked up this sunscreen and was very happy that I found something in the middle of nowhere during training...

Qingying lost her sunscreen the training before mine. 


Z: 15 years and counting

Monday, December 23, 2013

Moving ahead

More importantly, Ms Blur got a CAP of 4.2! Awesome!!!

And on a side note, Arsenal drew with Chelsea hahah

No Xmas present

So my results weren't as fantastic as I wanted

But I've got my first 2 A+ for me, which is good. 

Friday, December 20, 2013

Let's go!

I don't wanna have the regret of not pursuing an adventure when the opportunity is given to me; so let's flip the page and explore the story...

Monday, December 16, 2013

Friday, December 13, 2013

10 more days

Waiting for my Xmas surprise! I had a good feeling for it; but now I'm starting to sense possible disappointments...

In another note, 2 more days till you're back!! 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Sleep can wait for now

What an exciting night. Kinda awesome that I woke up after my 'nap' just now (though that's probably the cause of my insomnia now)...

But yea, witnessing a historical moment for Singapore (and watching stupid comments lashing harsh and baseless accusations on the government, the foreign workers and even duty personnel that enabled you to safely hide behind your keyboard to type all your nonsense - what's probably more worthy of concern is the reaction these people have; blaming and downplaying the government first thing after unpleasant incidents occur... Educated indeed) 


On another note, Arsenal drew Everton!

Thursday, November 28, 2013


Never have the thinking that your life is almost-perfect, because life can sense complacency; and when you think you have everything, it'll take away something. 

Always prepare for the worst: what if everything suddenly becomes nothing; what will become of you?... 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


I sat on the bench and lit a stick. 

Suddenly, raindrops started falling down, and memories started pouring in... 

Staying over at cousin's, hanging out with the godbros, downing drinks with the drunkards, burning midnight oil in school and at Macs, mahjonging with the gamblers, midnight mission with the commandos in Taiwan, night driving down memory lanes, partying with the good boys, suppering with the gang, and spending the nights with you in Singapore, in Vietnam and over the video conference... Most importantly, the trip we spent together as a family to China...

Night sky and rainy days are really amazing; amazingly beautiful

And then I finished my stick and went back to fight the usual normalcy of aimless insomnia 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Saturday, November 23, 2013

I'm not a toy! ><

Every night, I'm contented with the small space that I have... Knowing I'm giving you the comfort that you need 

Saturday, November 16, 2013

After receiving 6 Distinctions for my A levels, many friends asked me why I chose not to apply for any of the more prestigious overseas universities...

This is why.

Some things, we cannot afford to forget...



Friday, November 15, 2013

"Wake up change Smart 4 go lunch liao!"

"Long 4 can a not?"


Though reservist just ended, seeing Mr Hau when I wake up somehow reminded me of the (much more carefree) army life... Instead of deciding how to kill off the time in Battalion, now we're all fighting for the 25th hour everyday. Just 2 years ago, we were all craving for this ORD that we now have.

I still love the opportunity to study; the freedom to leave school/hall as and when I feel like; the company (with/without girls) and "Company" (the boss here yo); and the clique (same old same old; Hendon or Temasek or even Senso, all awesomest without proportion to time spent)

But yea, life's always better in the past because the past has no more uncertainty


Faith in Marche restored from awesome uncle that took pity in me and gave me an additional slice of snapper fish! (Probably cos he thought the little food I ordered wasn't enough to fill my fat body up)



Anyway, awesome picture you have there! Made the food looks so good... ;P
Pancake soon babe!

Tumbling down the blo(g)k

Was roaming around and saw this freaking awesome gif from Complete Calm and wanted to reblog it here but... I just can't...



So sorry you don't get to see what's in it.
BUT FEAR NOT! You're in luck cos I'm, well, smart! HAHAH


more awesome without the sound (as a gif) actually!


NG take 2: *bang!* ... oh you're not dying? let's go home then...

Life Hack #1

Tear a car park coupon bottom-up instead of the normal top-down order; that way, even if you peel off a wrong timing, you can use it the next day/month/year!

Kinda handy for blur/sotong drivers like elinostalgia and sourcreams! Hahah

Of course, if you peeled the "Month" section wrong... you'll have to carefully plan the timing you wanna park your car on that particular date the next year (or 2/3/4 years from then when your parking coupon changes from the purple $0.50 to a yellow $4.50 one and you can park all night! Except there isn't a yellow-colored one yet)...

And yea... there isn't many places that actually require coupons nowadays anyway!


Actually have a few more hacks that I've thought of previously but really can't remember them off hand... hopefully I'll remember to write down my cheatsheet in the future!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Popping stars!

Been long since I've last heard new female singer in the Mandarin Music industry... and I've found quite a few!

薛凱琪, 曲婉婷, 白安, 洪佩瑜, 連詩雅, 關詩敏, 嚴藝丹, 梁心頤 (though she's not really new)!


I still remember his voice...

Maybe bcos I've almost lost it, that I really know its importance;


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

For who I am today

There is no one best parenting system; but I had the best one I could ever wish for... And she's half the reason. 

Randomly screening through my photo album and found this; half a month late but it's never too late for appreciation. 


I had this sudden realization that as I became more mature, time hasn't really been merciful on people around me as well...

Saturday, November 2, 2013

strong like a strawberry; bounded like a bird

Sudden randomness to stalk Junyang's facebook profile and started to think about how life would be different if I have chosen a life abroad.
Perhaps I will never have the courage to do so; perhaps I am too used to my comfort zone...

But somehow, I marvel at how unbounded birds live lives so many of us envy.

The disparity here is pretty strong: what I want, and what I can muster; the belief of never living my life in regrets, and regretably, the life of beliefs

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Speed of time

Did my own laundry 
Borrowed a library book
Picked up a new sport
Signed up for dance class
Took an afternoon nap 
Did well for exams
Had cup noodles 
Caught a new series

Little things that makes life livable; but too much is never good, take them one bit at a time. And when you don't have time for any bit of these, wait, and be patient. Your time will come! 

Monday, October 21, 2013

Those were the times

It was like a childhood dream come true...
But dreams tend to move faster, then disappear into a cloud of smoke, and memories of it starts to fade.

And when dream becomes reality, it suddenly become less of a dream.


But yes, those were the times; and I don't hate to say it!

I am your strength

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Top 10


Live unbound.


"Instead, surround yourself with people who have qualities you admire, who are smarter and more driven than you. Let their success rub off. Soak up their energy, and let their drive help push you to be better too."

4 is when I wanna be the environment.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013






Sunday, October 13, 2013

Simple pleasures

Happiness doesn't need to come from eventful happenings. 

This weekend is probably more important to me than the one I had during June 15 last year. 

But all these are possible only because of one basic underlying assumption that indeed occurred in the real-world: no button was pressed to recall us! 

Rejoice... Till the next standby

Best weekend I've ever had

So many things happened this weekend: I saw my quarter-brother cum childhood playmate turn 21; then I saw the single most important friend of my life getting married...

But none of them is the actual highlight of the week. 

This is. 

"All these precious moments, with you by my side"

白痴, you lost the bet and got married first. 

We met when I was 7 and you 9. And that was more than 15years ago... We were once rivals in class, loggerheads that didn't see eye to eye. Then suddenly we became friends, and suddenly best friends: getting detentions together, getting zero got ting xie together, went Australia together, and even both acted as Prince Charming together (which many may now find impossible to believe...). We fought each other, and even "shared" girlfriends (of course I won't fight you for this one, I have an awesome girlfriend now)... I lost both my first kiss and two front teeth because of you. And if that wasn't dramatic enough, I once raised a chair to chase you out of my house, for reasons that shall be buried along with your bachelorhood. And yet, I am still here emceeing for this bastard's wedding. 


So childish was the three of us to have actually done something so retarded after watching Taiwanese idol drama. But no, up till today, I hold true to this vow. Even if time has worked against us to be as tight as we used to be, 白痴, you are still my best friend, my soulmate, my brother of a slightly different colour. 

Congratulations, and don't let me wait too long for a son/daughter of a different colour...

Cousins are your first best friends

You'll only stop lagging when I die! Happy 21st! 


No more fighting over who's the more powerful character; no more sleepover at my place or yours; no more adults scolding or comparing us; no more hanging out every Saturday doing nothing. 

Things have changed; we have changed... But nothing changes the fact that we share 1/4 of our DNA. No matter how different we have become, we are still the same. We will still watch each other grow, till the day one of us bid our longest friendship goodbye... 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Year 2 Sem 1 Phase 2

Mid terms are over; next phase: presentations. 

And of course, collection of results. 

3101 was a pleasant surprise... Let there be more! 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Your Prince

I am not.


I am glad I am the one you talk to and not other guys cos a shoulder to cry on is a dick to ride on

(not like you will but yea... Hahah)

So... "run to me, tell me your secret, I promise I'll keep 'em"!


So you were crying on my shoulder (and didn't fulfill the second portion) and I started to think...

You are so imperfect.
You lack social confidence, or for the matter of fact, you lack even self-confidence (or even confidence at all)
You are a follower, and you are too weak to be a leader
You have little emotional control, and you are too fragile internally to survive this world.

But, that didn't really matter...

To me, you are so perfect.
You show me your truest self without the need of courage;
you lead my heart to everywhere you go (even all the way to Prague, and to liking Matcha too, of course)
and you control my every emotion, and have the ability to make a strong-headed guy succumb to patience

You don't have to be perfect for everyone; no one is really perfect actually, not you and definitely not me.
Be who you are, and don't force yourself to abide to circumstantial influence; if what is socially acceptable is not what you are, then don't be!
Be yourself and be Jason-acceptable, or Hanni-acceptable, or Yuanwei-acceptable, or Cheryl-acceptable, or whoever-you-think-is-important-acceptable.
Not everyone-else-that-don't-matter-to-you-(aka socially)-acceptable

Not everyone needs a large group to function, and you for one, is someone that treasures those that you keep in your small circle; and that is why everyone you have kept close appreciates you. Don't every try to change that by being "sociable"!


And yes, "everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are" But why would you want everyone to experience what you really are? Let only a small handful of privileged few have the honour!


And no, I am not your Prince.

Machiavelli wrote the Prince to advice Princes from the past on how to govern a country.

The context of this phrase is when he told the Prince to do evil when it is necessary; and that the Prince don't have to be really moral, he just need to appear to be so because not many people will have to know what you as a Prince have to do.

Sometimes, people over-romanticize something and the actual meaning of the word/phrase loses its meaning.
I am sorry, but the Prince you were quoting, the one that has to do evil and put on a false facade, is not me.


And I am sorry, that you have allowed yourself to embrace the socially distorted meaning of "sociability"

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Simple but not mediocre definitely; you may not realize (and complaining bout not having the time to run now) but we've been having more time together this year... 

To more happy times! >:) 
(Just don't be so happy we feel sad when we get our exchange HAHAH)

Where are youuuuuu?

Just a random thought that I've been waking up early for quite a fair bit this semester, and now it's my turn to leave you behind in a heap of mess!

(You're in the picture by the way hahahah)


Been trying to explore my limits recently and by daring to try, I've failed countless of times; but it's the few that succeed that marks the sweetest of life. 

Here's to all the despaired and lost souls like my comma: do not dream


We're all in this together, tangled in a story by an author called Fate. 

But Fate only brings us, our differences, and our ambitions thus far; we are now holding the pen to our future...


Greatest lesson: differing values are ideas waiting to explode; how, is the challenge

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Nope, not that I don't care. 

But whatever you wanna do, you have my fullest support. I realize sometimes I've overreacted and acted selfishly on my part as well. If there's something you're really passionate about and interested in, I should be giving you my fullest support, instead of dampening the mood by pouring wet-blanket. And in any case, I do believe you have grown up at least enough to know what you want and what you can/cannot handle; so go on... I'll be behind you in whatever you choose to do! 


Singapore Handicapped Society

I like how they presented the need for support from society in the simple commercial. Life is normal and perfect; and all that people, handicapped or not, need is a little civic-mindedness from the society. We don't even ask for constant awareness or much attention, just play your part as a responsible citizen...

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Everyone tries to be the best; to gain an upper-hand; to get better bargaining chips; to outdo others; to win in everything......
Many times, we are all guilty; including myself.

Most of the times, we get hit back to reality.
There is nothing wrong with not being the best; and nothing wrong with that pursuit.
But is there anything wrong with losing?
Does it really matter, to let someone be the winner? While you be the better man.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Immature Innocence

I really don't know if it's a good or bad thing of yours;
I've been talking bout "next time" and telling you to learn from your mistakes, but you never do...
Time and again, you do things that make you unhappy, even when you are unwilling to do it; you just don't know how to say no.
Then you start regretting, and you start crying about it; when there really isn't a point anymore.

Then what about me? It doesn't only hurt you when you do things that make you sad;
you're just being selfish in hurting everyone else that cares about you.
I hate everyone that tries to exploit you; I hate you for not knowing what you should and should not do;
but I hate myself even more for not being able to knock sense into you.

I have given up, so much so that I don't even wanna talk to you about it anymore, for fear that I'm going to add on to your guilt.
Hopefully someday you'll grow up and start having the maturity to take responsibility of your actions.
Someday you're gonna grow up and make important decisions;
That day will come, and you cannot always be the kid that you are.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

e(xtra)-Learning week

Scumbag lecturers giving essay assignments, long-ass "short" answer questions, and posting YouTube lectures by other professors from the other half of the globe...

What's worse, my 2-hour tutorial became a 3-day forum discussion. Eh hello sir/madam, I have got other modules leh, you think I only take 4MC every semester ah? And hello, some of you gave us all these work while you are not even active on the forum ("I will only comment at the end of the elearning week, and even then, I won't be commenting much")... So elearning becomes your holiday and our extra-learning week is it?!!!

And things got so bad that IVLE notification on my phone comes off EVERY SECOND! I have really no choice but to log out of it...

Thanks, haze; bird flu; dengue; hand-foot-mouth or what-not. I'm pretty sure NUS lecturers will cope well when you hit us; but I'm also pretty damn sure many of us will die of the heavy workload before you even have an impact.


Then again, I have friends that are doing all these with a sea-view in Bintan; awesome or what.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Every family it's own problem

Nothing's perfect I guess...


Feels good to be back where I really belong, though I can hardly afford to...


Why is it that we tear when we hear inspirational stories by the less-endowed/fortunate people who struggled through their life when it's meant to be a motivation. It's like we're pitying them when we should learn from them, or even feel envious or jealous when we hear them like we would if they were normal like us; its like, we're judgmental like we always are...

Who are the really handicapped ones?... 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Treasuring this temporary serenity

Saturday, August 31, 2013


Some men are just meant to be. The world is fair, only for those that fight hard for it to be...

Wake me up when September ends

That's a very sad song that green day's lead wrote, reminiscing his dad that died on 1st sept when he was young, and he locked himself in the room then told his mum to wake him up when September ends

Fair and Square

Doing this last chapter of Utilitarianism by Mill made me pondered what is justice.

But there's also this peripheral question that popped up my mind: what if the world adopted Communism before Capitalism came about? Our moral values will be so different from what we have now... Self-interest is, perhaps, really counter-intuitive.

But then again, instinct led us to greed; and dogs became carnivorous.


The smile that Duan couldn't rub off his face says it all. It was by a stroke of good luck, but we really fought so damn hard to get Lady Luck's attention. USP-Law game could have ended in an infinite number of ways; but they chose to finish with a 4 point gap, and guess what, 4 to 8 points victory to USP is just what we needed to get into the Semis.

So tada, here we are.

It hasn't been so dramatic for awhile...


I'm starting to realize I've been staying in hall for far too long;
Maybe my family is missing me like how I am missing them now...

Friday, August 30, 2013

Favorite story

Someday, this will come

The saddest truth about living is knowing we're all headed towards death

Or... Do we?


The ones that fly

Yeah, I'll pass


Do you believe in God, fate, or yourself? 


Where's their redemption?

Building churches; printing bibles. 
More should be done, but not there

Starting week7, every Wednesday

Schools should start knowing this

The devil in you

It's all starting soon

Sunday, August 25, 2013

One-point difference


This isn't a basketball match, where one point is all you need to differentiate the winner from the loser.

245 and 244; I won, but that's the last time I've ever outdone my brother.
But truth is, we're both winners...

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


No fly fuck was given

Many a time


Which gang are you in? 

Even so, we are unstoppable





Everyone an epic story; some more so than others 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Haven't been there much but definitely a pleasant feeling to know that some of them still remembers me! 

4th book from A5, and hopefully many more to come! Yeah man...

Weak 1

Loved this pun at first sight when I saw it on NUS Confession.

But truth is, I felt weaker during the bidding round;
now I'm recharged for this semester; CAP 5!!!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Happy 1st Day of School

Things have pretty much settled down ever since you return;
but deep down, many things still aren't right.

Doesn't matter, let's go, Year 2 Sem 1!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Bro code

One day you realize one of your best bro made a mistake that rendered your hard-drafted 3-year plan a failure, what would you do?

I've decided to stay mum...

Other than guilt, I believe nothing else can be achieved otherwise.


All of a sudden, I realize maybe some things I've held dear to, ain't the important things in life.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

At a time I need you most

It doesn't matter that you don't wanna see me;
even fate doesn't want us to meet...

Monday, August 5, 2013

Surprisingly optimistic

Jason a year ago would have fell deep into an emotional depression

What else could have gone more wrong

I'm really in quite a dire situation. It sucks when what you have planned for the past few months fails; it sucks even more when even your contingency plans don't work.

But it really feels like the end of the world, where all hopes are lost now.

What can go wrong, will go wrong; I've never hated being wrong so much.


Deep breaths and trying hard to convince myself to stay calm.
But it's of little help...

Friday, August 2, 2013

"I'm always having fun/busy with people, but when it ends, I always feel like something is missing"


More like detached.

"It's a bit pointless"

Yeah, maybe that's really the case...

For Honour and Glory

Maybe it's time to live up to this motto

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Cheer up

I'll try, I just need you to be here soon! :) 


Sometimes, things just don't go your way...

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Heaven now

Two more days to the end of this cycle; but end of today's mission marks the closing of the high key events this ICT. Till the next one then! 

Just yesterday

Sitting in the jungle staring at the night sky, this view is so nostalgic. In fact, I seem to have last seen it just awhile ago... 2 years have gone by too fast. 

Monday, July 29, 2013

Civilian life

Missing out on THOC, Arts O'week, and trials for Arts team when I'm the captain. The opportunity cost suddenly seems steep, especially when all the group chats are so active and here I am, packing to go outfield. Everyone's just shag and sian max! 

But then again, we'll pull it through!!! (Shouldn't complain much since I'm the enemy)

Sunday, July 28, 2013

I wanna burn calories!

Hahah just kidding...
But who the hell have sex for only 30 seconds? That is one weak male you have there! 

Time travel

I'm in the present living a life of the past stuck with National Service liabilities, reminiscing hall life of the future. Legit. 

Hall life

Saw the video and it really racked up so much memories for the past one year... 

Hall life is really something I have and will never regret having; 3 more years, let's go! 


It's been long since I have a Sunday night book in. I feel the agony I once felt; and yet this is kinda different this time round...


You're not being immature! You're just being you! And you're just becoming a more sensitive you. 

Regardless, you are still the you that I like and love... 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

And they didn't even acknowledge my well wishing

I feel so... Dispensable.

Exercise All Out

I don't know how I manage to complete it in the past; nor the BMT; nor the airborne course; nor the ATEC trainings; not the Brunei trip; nor the many many more trainings; nor the turnouts; the confinements; the stay-ins; the regimentation. 

Mentality, like fitness, must be trained. And it's really all about getting-use-to, I guess. After today's exercise, we all realized, we really aren't that upz anymore. Time have taken over many of us, and looking back, ask us to do all that we've done again, we probably won't be able to...

Then again, there's so much more that I can't let go now!...


Oh, and I can't imagine how I've managed to survive the constant attack of all these blood-sucking mosquitoes as well -.-

Guess who's back

And I did it again. Sometimes I wonder if I'm a mummy's boy; or rather, a homie boy...


Suddenly have the respect for those that passed out as a ranger when I was looking at them train; how the hell can someone not go home for 2 months... 

But then I thought again, will I survive exchange?...

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Dream, is a wish your heart makes

And it's our reality. Hopefully! 

Glad you're doing it now, and maybe someday we'll evolve together! 

Aaaaaaand, we are not one of them :(

But soon, we'll be part of the 25K and 50k strength 

Country or the state

Legit, and I do think the current one deserves it, while many would definitely disagree. Deserving or not is so subjective, but perhaps his point here is to love your COUNTRY no matter what, and choose the GOVERNMENT that does good to the country. Touché. But then again, vague. 

We are all ugly

To my superficial bros:

I love to exercise too!

Maybe someday we'll be able to do this. Hahah

3 more days to book out

And 9 more days to the end of this!
5 more cycles before all these will end altogether. 


Cos this is what we always do: countdown. Coming back to army really brought back so much memories; good ones that I wish I could turn back time to live it, and bad ones I wish never happened. Some things have changed for the better, others for the worse (not too much though); and the rest, just stays the same. 

Duh, Jason! Stop stating the obvious! 

But no, life has been so different, before; during; and after NS. So many things that we've learnt, we've forgotten; these are the technical portion. But even more that we've lived through, we retain. Friendships, mentality, stress coping, way of life, etc etc. 

I want the book out so badly; but I wish the 5 cycles won't end. Maybe in between we'll struggle, but the end is always desired, yet dread. I always hate to leave a place I've been attached to, but the feeling has never been as mixed as when I ORD-ed. WO Edwin's post today on Panther's chat about feeling glad to see some of us back hits right straight to the point. Pardon if I sound gay, but I really do miss him, and the time all of us had... 

Maybe we'll catch up someday. Till then...


Even before my official appointment, my Hotmail has been spammed with emails from hall office and the 25th; I foresee a busy work year ahead

After all these years

Home is still where I belong. Even with the shortest nights out, home is where I rush back to... And it is really in times like these that I feel really fortunate to have a home to return to, and parents to care for... 


I have this sudden realization of how good it was to not have a relationship while I was serving my NS, after I have these panic attacks of missing you while I was in camp. 


And yes, I'm glad I made that trip back home. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Awesome SAF

Best thing to happen: camera phone (meaning my iPhone) can be used in Pasir Ris camp. Whatsapp, people; woohoo! Beat that! Hahah


Who don't crave for brands;
Who can cook;
Who don't keep complaining;
Who gives freedom;
Who is independent;
Who doesn't get angry easily;
Who is satisfied with hawker food;
Who isn't materialistic;
Etc etc

Listening to my bunk mates complaining about Singapore girls and saying nice girlfriends are hard to find, I feel so much like shouting at them, "MY GIRLFRIEND!"

Christin Milioti

I have finally caught the last episode of HIMYM Season 8, and am really impressed by the production crew's casting ability, to find someone so stunning yet having a girl-next-door look that's easily accepted. Excited, and totally mesmerized.

Monday, July 22, 2013


This looks so perfect, it's tempting me... 

Till the night falls out

I hate being sidelined; I hate being insignificant.
But there is really nothing I can do.
No responsibility is given to me cos of my absence;
and no commitment was required.

There's so many things I dislike about the team;
how my group of good friends work as a team without me;
how the girls are taking over control from the head via a coup I strongly disagreed;
how the seniors are pressuring us;
and how stressed up many of them are.
And I'm just here, watching everything as if a bystander, when I am, in fact, part of it all.
Or am I?

For the past years, all that are in this sub-comm eventually have nothing to show;
no colourful portfolio, nor exciting charges.
This year, my fellow mates turned away and committed themselves with something more interesting;
and I am just here, watching everything as if a bystander, when I am, in fact, part of it all.
Or am I?


I wanna be part of it all; but perhaps I'm not.
No one from the whole team will know about this post;
but I hesitated just now when I last walked out of the seminar room:
should I say my last goodbye after leaving them in the lurch,
or should I leave silently, fulfilling my insignificant part.

Of course, I chose the latter.

Till then, people.


Last time I remember having a MND EDGE Scholarship ceremony, you were asked to join pageant the night before; you asked if you should, and I said it's not bad an experience!

You didn't reply me the whole night till the next day before the ceremony, and that was the first time you got me so worried.
Little would we expect so many more time to come...

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Who you really are

Two years ago, your tumblr consisted of mainly girls with back views or with hair covering face. Mysterious, reserved and lack of confidence. 

One year ago, before you met me, most of the posts were emotional, self-reflecting and even explicitly expressing your confusion in your relationship. Lost, and hurt. 

Now, you're found. But there's this element of stress in you... Don't be! Just stay close, don't go; and enjoy this unexpected love we've found ;) 


Waiting for you to be back makes me realize I really love you a lot too. This whole Prague episode is a real test, and missing you now may not be a bad thing! Stay safe, babe!  

500m laps

And thanks to this suggestive and weird banana-shaped route, I salvaged a much-desired silverware. I have 8 months to work on 14kg, 1min 30seconds, and the mark of champions...


On a side note, beastly Zongrui does a 1:30 laps for 6 rounds round this shit. He used to be sick, now he's a monster... 

This really got quite irritating after awhile

But still, epic! 

We are none the same

Boss returns

On a nice weather that's rare and shocking