Saturday, July 24, 2010

Exciting routines

Realize my weekends have become exciting routines.

Friday night book out will be dinner with Jing Wei.
Then it'll a meeting with Kaung when he doesn't have RT,
if not then it'll be zbl session with Rex after his work.

Saturday's lunch will be settled with Kang after he book out,
either that or it'll be with Kaung when he's got RT.
After that in the afternoon will either be a reading period for me,
or mahjong play out or movie outing with the SSGG.
Saturday's dinner is always enjoyed with SSGG (thus the name).
After dinner will usually end off with stay over or mahjong,
if not, it'll be chill out with Alex at his place or mine.

Sunday morning will start late.
Lunch will be with Andy at somewhere near us.
Evening will be the time for me to settle down and reflect (haha!)
and start packing my bag for book in.
Dinner's usually home cook food or with Z,
which will be followed by an excursion to Chin Boon's house for my free ride back to camp.
Otherwise, it'll be dinner with brother and he';; send me back to camp straight.

And then the weekdays begin.
And the cycle continues.
I wish it won't cease it's moving.
cause that'll mean weekends won't be boring!
(and Fri book out, late-Sun-night book in...)


I can actually move on in life,
probably not any worse than you can.