Yeah. BAC is really fun and I look forward to my first jump.
We're not allowed to disclose anything regarding the trainings, but it's definitely bruise-ful and sweat-ful. Ha.
Pray hard I don't get injured.
Anyway. Friday booked out from Hendon for the first time; went home w CB to 'celebrate' Weeliang's birthday. Talked cock and ate desserts. Went home after that after failing to find further activity, really tired anyway.
Sat morning was supposed to go back to VJ or CHS, but end up I didn't turn up for either one; spent the morning sleeping. Then was mahjong as usual in the afternoon then dinner and then mahjong, then soccer. Throughout the process, I finished about 9 cans of beer and few glasses of Baileys. Which resulted in my hangover now.
I actually still made it out to run some errand. LOL. Back to my sleep soon before heading for family dinner and BOOK IN!