Thursday, September 25, 2014

I'm guessing 10 hours of netball will be too much as well

So probably nothing to do with your passion.


Grades don't say ANYTHING about your maturity. I don't wanna be 80 years old. In fact, grades reflect NOTHING about you at all. Don't even try to associate yourself with your grades cos that's what people worth nothing else would do. 


You've always been down because of Archi stuff and I've always been by your side; maybe it's harder this time round and maybe that's why you feel the distance. I can't pick up my chopsticks to glue things for you or walk you back from studio. But you'll survive I'm sure, just like how you survived the climb back in Zermatt; and I'm still by your side like I always am, just not physically for the time being. 


I don't know what caused your insecurity, and I was really angry when you asked me about my previous post that wasn't even talking about you. You doubted me. But worse, you doubted yourself. 

And yes, I blame it on your negativity. I hate negativity.

If there's one thing I can stay away from, that's it. Don't go away from me...


But don't read too much into it, I still love you. HAHA