Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Hostel cook food

I've taken photos of what we had on the cruise but that cost so much, I'd rather post cheap stuff made with heart! 

Birthday dinner for new friend, by yours truly

And lonely lunch looking just as what I always have back home


There's always room for desert

And even more room for ice cream (and I must say this box of wonder tastes better than the one I had in Italy, that's how impressive this is... Sounds like time to get fat. Or maybe not. Cos the fridge is in the kitchen, that's on the other end of my corridor. So I'll probably burn some calories while walking to and fro. Lol) 

Last but not least... The nicest food I've ever cooked on this trip. Looks so simple yet so nice! Guess family's influence on healthy food is doing us all some good over here. 

(Not like those in Taiwan *ahem* eating good food untill need go hospital. See la! Better take care of yourself and start eating healthier food! Haha. Though healthier probably means more expensive over there, as opposed to the situation here)