Wednesday, May 2, 2012

We've been talking for so long

I cannot imagine one day you leave my life.
You presence haven't been very significant;
but your absence will definitely be impactful,
something about cherishing only when you lose it I heard...

You told me how I'll be better off without you,
and I thought about it; it's pretty true.
There's so many things I could be doing if I don't have you,
and so much things I can let go off when you're not mine.

But what's the point?
What's having all these when it's not gonna be shared with you.
You've been different, unlike any others;
and I used to think that leaving you will be easy.

Trust me, I've tried;
I tried to feel the joy without you,
it was of no use.
Now I really know...

Even if you had a million reason to leave,
I'd hold on to you and not give up,