Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Heart. Life. Love


Stockholm is literally where my heart is right now; it has been for the past 2 months, and will be for another 3 months or so. After running around for a month with someone special, I was supposed to finally settle down in this temporary home but turns out, I've continued the wanderlust and have in fact been out of this place more than being in it. Even so, every time I go on an escapade, I miss not the faraway land just north of the equatorial line but this sanctuary so different from what I've experienced the past 23 years of my life. Maybe I have indeed settled in; maybe I have reached a compromise with myself; maybe I'm just living the life...


Heart is probably the most vital organ in our body and ever since human begin to understand ourselves, it has been a symbol of life. It is fair, to say the least, that our life literally builds on it. Revolving around every individual's biological life, is every individual's social life. Home, the one tiny and humid island, is where my life really is; and to say I'm living the life right now without acknowledging a sense of loss is fallacious. I'm living an alternate life, while missing a part of me: the part I refuse to let go; the part holding my life on hostage; the part I love...


Romantics give love a scientifically inaccurate representation. When we grow uncontrollably in love with something, the only thing our heart does is to pump harder; sometimes it becomes a bit of a nuisance. Love is often associated with irrationality, figuratively "letting your heart takes over your brain," when in fact, the dopamine, oxytocin, and every other chemicals of love really work within the casing of our skull. It's amazing how our brain and nerves connect; right now, it's connecting with people all over the world, people I love. In Beijing, in Europe, in Singapore, and mainly in Taiwan... In these places, I have a home. 


Home is where the ____ is.