Here is Mr Very Free getting ready to go out, and a very jealous Mr Not Free snapping the photo as a form of revenge
Finally had a date at the end of the week and we act yi ge atas go watch some Hungarian show with English subtitle. It was pretty thought provoking though I think it's a little top abstract and the ending was kinda random/convenient (they metaphorically died then cinematically committed suicide, like WHUT). And the main question Ms Blur had (and my thoughts too) is, "why are they so daring to go naked on stage?" Lol I guess some people are really ready to go the extra length to bring some point across. And sacrifice in the name of art, how nice...
Also very nice is Samsung's auto smoothing of our face; oh look how pretty we both look!
And this is the backdrop of our stage where we "rehearsed" our audition piece (might not even happen) when the 1.5hour technical difficulties happened before our show. Pretty legit place to bask huh
Lunch at Serangoon gardens then chit chatted with relative before I went out to get my hair cut and ran some errand then it's back to the hell hole (it wasn't that bad back when all these we're happening cos air con was still up, now... Haiz)
Also, squeezed some time to show our face at the HDB scholar's gathering at Chen Tong's!
Fast forward to Wednesday night where Commencement Dinner happened and all the graduates came back and Christine had her usual whole-world-owe-me-$1mil face as with every commencement that made everyone near her unhappy. Staying away from her next year, definitely. And why this photo? Cos Bird drove and this is the breakfast the next morning, which happened to be my free day, which translate to a rare return back home courtesy of Bird-Jie (apparently the night before they drank till 4am and played some ranking game where Brandon was ranked 4th and he harped on it till now)
Haircut! Wanted to cut "fade" then aunty say "ohhh, high cut at the side ah" haha but ya she still did a faded sort of
And even rarer, a dinner date with Ms Blur!!! And Jack's place's escargot was fancy~ though I think it's unnecessarily so. Haha.
And this is us! Happy birthday in advance Ah Blur! :) (typing this now would actually mean it's belated though)
Saturday morning started with this! Public Policy Workshop with the LKYSPP. Much excites. This also marks the start of my SG100 Think Future Programme and hopefully we'll go far! Went over to the Thought Collective's Post-LKY lecture series after the programme and ended my 14 hour long intensely intellectual day...
And this is the reward the next day. What you're looking at now is part of a 8 Olympic-sized pool; filled with rays (including 3 huge Manta Rays), some sharks, some humongous Grouper, and lots of fish. And yes, we dived in this shit!!! The most amazing experience ever, swimming alongside so many fish in such a tame environment (though it's simulated to be comparable to open waters, but at least we were sure the creatures inside are tame!)
Souvenir from the second dive in the shark tank; our first time diving with so many sharks (in fact, first time with ANY shark at all haha) and it was shared by many on the "other side" of the tunnel. Yea, visitors in SEA Aquarium! And they thought we were some expert divers (probably drunk to explain our instability and clumsiness underwater). So we enjoyed being one day of celebrity waving at random people and "photobombing" and taking wefies together. Hahaha! A very very pleasant experience that was too much to handle even until today (probably cos the expectation was just really low). Oh, and that's a shark's teeth!
And that was about all the fun I had the past two weeks
And this is how my schedule looks like: 9 to 4 then library almost every day; even Thursdays are used for research; not forgetting Saturdays for SG100 and Sundays to prepare for presentations. Oh my tian. Hahaha
And yup, first time teaching a university class: unnerving!
After class on Friday was finally lunch and discussion with Pung and May-ge for our $1500 grand-prize policy challenge. And then rushing off for this:
Date with the dragon and Merlion vomiting into my butt. I'll really be impressed if you know where this is... Haha. First time doing site visit with Ms Blur after three full years of her being in an architectural course... I kinda failed as a boyfriend XP. But it was fun, really! Except I wasn't in the appropriate attire. Why so?
Went back to hall and chit chatted with the gang until 3 and insomnia till 4 cos there was no aircon... And with 3 hours of sleep,
This. "Please Disturb" haha. It's one of the role playing segment from the B&J Diversity Trail conducted by the Thought Collective and it was really really informative and thought provocating (really, at this rate these programs are going, my mind will be really provoked; but I'm loving it haha). Maybe I'll post about it some other time
And now, back to work. Piles and piles of work...