Friday, November 11, 2011


I'm sorry but I just have to say it. It's something in my heart for more than a year. I think when there's a problem, we shouldn't be avoiding it. I don't like how two good friends turn out bad. It's obvious we're trying to stay away from each other. The way we started drifting away, fading out of one another's life and eventually even cease to acknowledge each other's existence. I've been trying hard to reconcile, but I still somehow feel that you're resistant to me. Stop acting like strangers in person and try so hard to maintain a friendly outlook through the phone; face it, we've changed, we're different, we are no longer who we were. We've made a mistake, but we can always learn. We move on, not away. I know it's impossible now to go back to us being best friends like in the past where we can eat together every week, play mahjong together overnight, run together in the night and study together till late in the wee hours. All I'm asking for is for us to stop avoiding each other and become good friends again. Is it not possible? I hope things won't turn out more awkward though, will it?