Monday, June 6, 2011

Thailand in summary

First thing we did in Thailand,
Lost one person.
Then, we did patrol base as a result.
And then, we didn't do it well, so another patrol base the next night (which we didn't complete)
Then, mud bath (not me, some lucky winner)
Next, 2 minutes: from underwear to FBO, and we didn't even do anything wrong!

What a nice way to start the week.


And another thing,



Only after 1 week, then I realize there's toilet bowls with seats.
So I've been squatting for no reason for one week/

And the mosquitoes inside:
Minimum 20 in each cubicle,
and they attack you all together when you stir the water.



The Thai soldiers are insane when they start drinking:

They don't stop.
And they're not exactly good at it.
So we look at them going crazy and keep asking us to drink.



They really like Linkin Park there;
They've got lots of cats and kittens that can be summoned by meow-ing at them;
and these cats co-habits with the dogs;
One of their two entertainment there is Table Tennis;
though we later found fun with soccer as well;
The only serve one flavour of water at the water point: Sala flavour.


From Lakuin to Meilin and now Lop buri,
This is possibly my last overseas trip as an NSF.
Though we have complaint and found ourselves landed in a situation less than what we expected,
it's definitely worthwhile.

Thai, for the wings!