Saturday, February 5, 2011

Volatile times

It is said that man of turbulence are tougher man.
Are we?

Some of us don't even have the instinct to differentiate peace and war; instability and steadiness, much less to distinguish the possible danger around us.

War and international conflicts are real and it is happening really close. It's happening in Iraq, Egypt, and between ASEAN countries of Cambodia and Thailand. NS is not just a waste of time.
Global warming is not a fallacy, not matter how mild the impact it may be; look at Australia, America, Malaysia... Get ready your winter clothings.
Y2K didn't happen, the next test will be 2012. You won't wanna be reminded that mathematics takes credit for most of what we have today, too much to fail us time and again. What are the probability?
Human are as vulnerable as we were since ancient time; as our immunity improves, viruses evolve. SARS, H1N1, HFM, Dengue, and many more. Remember Black Death?
Great Depression is but 80 years away from our recent Great Recession; with the business cycle closing in and shortening from it's usual 10-years span, who knows when and how hard the next one will be. It's time to be prudent.

Are you tough enough?

It won't happen,
so please be prepared.

I'm a pessimistic optimist.