Time flies. They've been through all those shit with me, and this is a post dedicated to them now that they've retired...
From being a recruit when we hated army life, to a trainee at Nee Soon camp where we hope life stays still, and then back to battalion trainee times when we gave our very all to get our red beret, to now: our final journey up to Taiwan. From being a nobody in BMT, so much so that even my PS don't notice me, to the joker that beings laughter to everyone during Medic course, to the CSM runner that plays a major role in the company operations (or so I proclaim); it was a long road down. What comes next? Not that things will suddenly end; life goes on: we still have Thailand and the two major parades. But everything will slow down, and people will start seeking life out of camp once we reach the light of freedom. Things change. People too. I haven't really gave this ATEC trip much thoughts, but now it's reaching my doorstep; it's really near, so near, it's hard to miss.
We still have slightly over 9 months to go, not exactly a short trip; but I'm already feeling the ache. I think I'm gonna miss it. That's the case every time circumstances force us to change and adapt; we get lost. And I think I will be. Even when we get to come back together (which I doubt the cohort will stay) when we go for our reservist, it won't be the same. We'll have our careers to fight for, not ATEC; our wives to escape from, not duties; our bosses to suck-cock, not OC. We are not really so close as to call each other families; but at least now we are an entity; united.
It's never going to be that way anymore once we part.
But who will feel this way as me?
Everyone's trying to escape from this place.
Back to school, back to their friends, back to their mummy's arms.
"We never appreciate schools until we got into NS"
"We never know mums are so important until we got into NS"
Everyone's trying to escape back to their comfort zones.
I knew all these all along.
I knew I couldn't do without freedom.
I appreciated schools, and I loved my mum; before NS.
But I'm not saying these 2 years are wasted and NS is stupid;
NS thought me other things that are far more important.
But for now, I'm not going to dwell over what are these things and how important they are; that can wait till I ORD, because for now, I'm booking in and the same old shit is going to repeat its routine again. Many people will definitely head for the medical center tomorrow to skip Tuesday's Route March, and perhaps even more will not be reporting back to camp tonight. As for me, from now on, I'm going to enjoy and treasure my NS experience to the fullest. Not that I'm doing this for my country, nor for my family; not for my future, and definitely not for my bosses. I just don't wanna regret it when I look back that I missed out something I could be proud of to show off to my friends now and my grandson in the future; it's for myself. I didn't keng, never - never can you catch me. XD