Friday, December 3, 2010

Why do girls wanna wear translucent clothings?

When they know that there are so many predators around.

Even the relatively decent me can't withstand the temptation to ogle;
what more the uncles that are nothing but deprived.

Unless you're standing along Geylang's secluded streets,
I don't see a point for such inviting costumes.
Unless you're psychopathic,
I don't see a point in you encouraging crimes.


WARNING: Recondite resolution. Contents may prove too profound for discernment

If the risk of being inflicted with mentality, bodily or morality harms outweighs the rate of utility in having such appearances or outlooks, which I suppose derived from the satisfaction of attracting interested male counterparts or jealous eyes of fellow females (either way suggests psycho instability), such behaviors will thereby be deemed irrational; and the otherwise is conversely true.
Logical reasoning suggests the former to be more true than the alternative and hence rendering the actions economically unsound.

Contemplate retrospectively, imperfect information is a serious case to consider in this particular contention.
General masses may, to some or greater degrees, lack the above-mentioned abstruse knowledge, or the ability to comprehend the technical statements and analysis, to make perspicacious judgement.
Therefore in this study, failure in the field originates partly, or mainly, from the inability to disseminate appropriate intelligence that should allow robust thinking and aid in the prevention of reckless mindsets.
Provision of precise and relevant information is therefore the root cure, though only to arguable extent; taking into account academic handicaps, for such societal disorder. Only then will the clinical issue be accorded and individual ataraxia or emotional tranquility attained.