I don't even know how many of those who used to read my blog are still reading it. It's ironic, you read to know more about the friend whom you're not seeing often, but as you see your name appearing less and less it becomes more and more tiring and pointless to read.
So here's trying to keep the flame going:
Kangster, please jio us for random dinner more often and somehow someday we'll make it happen; we might just be that phone call away. Some day. Haha. Jiayou Mr Accountant!
Kaung! I'm pretty sure you don't read this so I'm just dropping your name here to remind me that I still haven't find the opportunity to return your missed call hahaha.
Andyyyyy~ still haven't seen you after so long and I think there's really a lot to catch up on (there's always things to catch up on on your haps life anyway). Missing the whole gang too but I know no news is good news from these people hahaha.
Sam Sam also, though I see you once a week (more like take a glance), hall feels different without you and Bird (oh ya, Bird also). So the two of you, come back more often to sit sit talk cock ah.
Ah Piao! Go holiday bo jio~ I hope you brought some presents back I'll claim it from you in the future after I become freer. Life is probably still as exciting for you as ever (that sarcasm though), tell me about it...
I really don't know who else I haven't seen for long reads my blog but anyway, just know that I'm one who lives in the past very often, having random recollections here and there of happy times I had. So unless we didn't have any happy times before, you are always randomly missed and thought of. See everyone soon!