There must be at least a reason why Hitler was elected in the first place, and why so many German soldiers are willing to die for him during the war.
Both sides of the story are probably true but losers pay, in this case, by being vilified. Even if he was alive after the war, he probably can't defend himself anyway. Isn't it the case even for today's current affairs? How many times have we been told that the US is going to war for world peace? Oh, the irony. However, I must say that this article is, too, pretty biased (what do you expect, it's meant to convince us of his goodness).
Granted whatever I've said, the dark side of Hitler we learnt in school probably overshadows whatever good he's done as said in the article. He may love animals, but that just means he treats Jews and gypsies and gays and handicaps as less than animals (which is a fact, he does perceive these people as less than equal, but I doubt he grew up with this mentality; what changed then?). He may be a good leader who led Germany out of poverty, but he did it at the expense of other nations. He may have done so many rights, but the one wrong in condemning fellow humans to cruel tortures and ultimate suffering and death is deserving enough for his eventual label as a criminal of devastating war crimes (or perhaps a 'devil'?)
Being educated is when you know Hitler is not just a crazy mad men; being educated is when you know there are two sides of a story and you are able to opiniate on a side to stand by (or even decide to stand on the fence and watch the world burn is good enough, IMO); but being educated is also about knowing he's just like any other politicians responding to incentives all around.
Being wise is to be weary of human nature and assume the worst of it, especially the words that comes out of this intelligent species.
Oh, Hobbes, I'm starting to miss you.