Saturday, December 31, 2011

Crazier new year

Thursday night: drink with Rex and Guokai; part 2 with Desmond and Rubin. Friday: woke up to get food for the gathering in the afternoon; SC7 steamboat night till 11; supper with Alvin and Zac; mahjong and daidi with Alvin and Rubin until morning. Saturday: hit straight to the track for run; drove down to sentosa with Alex; went home for a 3 hour nap; woke up for mahjong with Huijun Alex and Guokai thru the night. First day of new year: breakfast after the game; headed down to sentosa for manual-labour work helping Guokai out; came home halfway and here I am now waiting for the Butter Boys to come over for steamboat and I haven't got the food.

Just when I thought Xmas was crazy, I didn't see "sleep" in the activities list for the past few days leading up to New Year Day. Sweet dreams tonight? Hardly possible with the wild gang I'm taking down later on. Naise.

2012 is gonna be a blast! XD


I swear the tiredness I'm currently feeling is like Atec all over again...