Why is everyone saying that it is a nice movie?
Do you all realize that it is quite stupid?
The plot's lame because it's just another cliche where the bullies get bullied and the climax where the apes created a mayhem is totally redundant without a link to the title (spoiler alert: they just wanna get to the forest; and it ends there. The only connection to the title lies in the lab assistance spreading the virus)
But I'll still give it a 4-star rating.
Because apart from being trilling, this movie does make some sense:
It brings X-men to a level more realistic. Lab errors resulting from over-zealous scientist, animal testing, moral and ethic controversies. Food for thought: have we spare a thought for our fellow Earth-beings in our pursuit for OUR better future> Things will only get worst when we become a more biologically complex being, and consequentially develop more complicated viruses and desire greater bio-modifiability. And as we grow larger in quantity, we detriment our environment more severely in quality. Are we digging our own graves?
We're trying so hard to achieve technological breakthroughs; tampering with God's creation and attempting to challenge his intelligence. There must be a reason why Earth is as it is (I particularly like Dan Brown's idea in A&D where he brought the idea of the possibility of an intercourse between Science and Religion into popular arts), "Because God makes no mistakes." A benefit, brings about costs; everything is on an equilibrium at its balanced state. Are we trying too hard in pursuing what we deemed beneficial, so much so that it is backfiring?
And the main theme of the whole movie, I reckon, is actually the increased inter-connectedness of people around the world (THIS, leads to the rise of the apes)
With so big a cost coming along with the small improvements we try to make on the individual scale,what havoc will we create with mass influences? We are only masters of our own. What I am driving at, is to ask if it is worth it? Who is to say?...