Saturday, April 9, 2011


Before I left or the airport, Shuan text me to check if I've woke up for the flight. I thought he wanted to send me but he replied: "no la, I scared you oversleep then never go". Not bad.

After the second mission while resting, the whole company was suddenly looking for me to make a phone call back home. I thought something serious happened but it turns out that dad and mum were just worried that I haven't called home for quite a while. I never did when I'm overseas, not the first time. But anyway, though I never say so, sorry mum, to have made you worried.

CSM saved me!
The pole was falling directly above me. He held on to it, but it was too heavy and he couldn't support it, so it fell and he cut his finger on the concertina wire. Thank god he swayed it sideways or it would have hit me...