It's finally time to pang kang and enjoy!
This is really the most childish bunch of people I've ever came across in Uni life; and I haven't had so much fun since the first camp I went to with yunfeng and dingkai. Those few 1993 jokers are really one of a kind.
And I still think Sophia got the pageant material leh. Tsk. Can't blame the bash head; she thinks I can win pageant contest HAHAH
And yes, 3 cheers for the win.
As an OC senior, I applaud the Orientation Committee for their effort and time. It really takes people from Gryffindor to agree to do this shit whole summer. I didn't manage to do it; they did. And even more so for Yufeng and Zhihan. I feel proud knowing I've given Yufeng so many different opportunities and she's excelled in every single one of them. I'm sure I'm not the first to unearth her talent, but I still feel that sense of pride knowing she's the right one. And Zhihan, I feel you sense of accomplishment by that simple debrief speech; and I believe you've touched many in the audience as well. Many people impressed me during the execution of the camp, genuinely happy for every one of you in the team. To me, it was a very big success, no matter what other people thinks.
As the JCRC in charge, all's well and life moves on. Minor injuries and only one minor hospital case; that's almost a cause for celebration. And yep, my last baby.
As a senior going on exchange, I hope people will still nod their head acknowledging my existence when I return. I don't know how things will turn out, but I hope it'll wow me again.
Lastly, as a C blocker in E block... I was honestly very sad every night walking back to C block to see how bonded everyone is, knowing I won't have enough time to know them before I fly and will be coming back to strangers as neighbors. But it was quite worth it really; to know that bunch of kiddos that I've met. To all the people in my OG, like I say, you probably won't see me in the block, and you can forget what happened these 5 days, but at least say hi when we cross path in comm hall.
TH Power, Power, Power!