Tuesday, December 31, 2013


It really is just my selfishness for wanting to keep you with me on this special day that led to so many problems


We don't seem to have any problem; that's our secret, we have many problems... And it's always good to sort them out when time calls for it... 


On a side note, 2014 is gonna be really exciting; this I'm pretty sure 

Monday, December 30, 2013

You could still be, what you want to be,

Pick it up, pick it all up.
And start again.

Year in review

Everyone's going "I'm gonna be a new man in the new year starting tomorrow!" Or reminiscing "things I've done in the past year" 

Yes, 2013 has been great: running JCRC, going OCIP, doing OC, captaining for both IHG and IFG, even seeing my God bro getting married etc etc

But guess I'm starting to get old and finding this shit pretty cliche; dreading the new year even, for it just means I'm further away from my youth... But yeah, happy new year, people! 


We are always a new man on a new day


Actually I kinda contradicted myself while typing this as I look back in the year in review; it was really a pretty awesome year to speak the truth...

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Minor fate

So I picked up this sunscreen and was very happy that I found something in the middle of nowhere during training...

Qingying lost her sunscreen the training before mine. 


Z: 15 years and counting

Monday, December 23, 2013

Moving ahead

More importantly, Ms Blur got a CAP of 4.2! Awesome!!!

And on a side note, Arsenal drew with Chelsea hahah

No Xmas present

So my results weren't as fantastic as I wanted

But I've got my first 2 A+ for me, which is good. 

Friday, December 20, 2013

Let's go!

I don't wanna have the regret of not pursuing an adventure when the opportunity is given to me; so let's flip the page and explore the story...

Monday, December 16, 2013

Friday, December 13, 2013

10 more days

Waiting for my Xmas surprise! I had a good feeling for it; but now I'm starting to sense possible disappointments...

In another note, 2 more days till you're back!! 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Sleep can wait for now

What an exciting night. Kinda awesome that I woke up after my 'nap' just now (though that's probably the cause of my insomnia now)...

But yea, witnessing a historical moment for Singapore (and watching stupid comments lashing harsh and baseless accusations on the government, the foreign workers and even duty personnel that enabled you to safely hide behind your keyboard to type all your nonsense - what's probably more worthy of concern is the reaction these people have; blaming and downplaying the government first thing after unpleasant incidents occur... Educated indeed) 


On another note, Arsenal drew Everton!